Ancient Astrology

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Building a Thriving, Ethical Business with Astrology

“Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do.” - J.P. Morgan.

When I first began studying astrology, I knew deep within my bones that the sheer predictive power and specificity of astrology could create tremendous material success and financial abundance. Yet I had a great deal of trouble finding any useful or practical information about applying astrology for financial ends.

Eventually in my astrological journey, I stumbled upon classical astrology, and then I found the answers I was looking for. I poured over ancient texts and source material in the original ancient Greek language. I found an overflowing cornucopia of techniques, skills, and methods for gaining financial mastery over your life.

As it turned out, the ancient astrologers were just as interested in building businesses, capitalizing on investments, and generating wealth as they were in spiritual practice, ritual magic, and the ascension of the soul through the spheres of the heavens.

To them, spiritual pursuits and financial mastery didn’t need to be opposed. By gaining financial security, the aspirant magician would escape systems of imperial servitude and liberate their mind of financial woes that inhibit and block spiritual development. Ultimately, they would be of better service and help to those around them by offering their gifts and talents to others.

The discovery of this approach created a whole new mindset within me about making money and running a business. I started to see financial success as a function of using your skills and talents in service to others - cosmic compensation for using your gifts to mitigate suffering around yourself.

This shift gave me the inner permission I needed to begin building my own business while still keeping true to my own ethics by being of service to those around me. Now, I am blessed to run a thriving business teaching astrology, magic, and spiritual practice by implementing the techniques I learned from them. It’s not because I have any special skill or noteworthy fortune from the Gods - I just use the techniques offered by the ancients of the traditions I teach.

There are hundreds of techniques and approaches to business and money-making within three separate branches of astrology. I want to begin introduce you to the three branches of astrology which have been used to create more abundance in one’s life: electional, mundane and natal. I’ll also give one simple, easy-to-follow technique that comes from each discipline.

Natal Astrology is the most popular, and is used to assess personality, life path, and fate. But the alignments of your natal chart can also be read to determine natural talents for making money and can show you how to capitalize on your skills. It will also show you when your chances of making financial profit are highest.

Once you know how to read your natal chart with an eye for business, you will see what your most profitable skills are, and then everything else just becomes a matter of implementation.

Try taking a look at the placement of the house placement of Jupiter. It shows a place of natural expansion, personal growth, and an area where someone naturally carries wisdom and is given financial rewards. 11th house? Friends will lift you up and help you succeed? 8th? Go into the unconscious and the shadow to find the growth you’re looking for.

Electional Astrology will show you with extreme accuracy when the best moments arise to begin any task or venture. Starting a business, having important meetings, consulting with clients, establishing marketing campaigns, planning trips - literally everything you do can be timed according to the motions of the stars to bring more success and ease into your professional life.

With the power of electional astrology, you can complete organize and structure your life according to the most astrologically auspicious moments. You’ll stop fighting fate, and instead start riding the waves of life towards greater and greater success.

One sure-fire alignment to capitalize on each month is the waxing Sun-Moon trine - when the Sun is waxing and enters into the a sign of the same element as the Sun. For instance, Sun in Leo and Moon in Sagittarius, Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Taurus, or Sun in Gemini and Moon in Libra. This alignment brings ease and external support to the venture, unless Saturn and Mars are both forming squares or oppositions to the Moon.

Mundane Astrology moves you beyond the realm of your own personal business and finances into global, long-term considerations. It tracks the price of commodities, real estate, and even stocks. It shows where the global, international focus will be during any given year.

The mastery of mundane astrology will bring you into the realm of building real equity, capital, and even generational wealth. You’ll move beyond trying to make quick money into the realm of establishing stable growth over the long-term. You’ll learn how to play the long game and build a veritable empire as you leverage astrological alignments over a long period of time. This discipline, more so than the other two, is what makes people billionaires.

Mundane astrology is traditionally the most complicated and nuanced of all astrological disciplines, so this next one is a bit trickier. Look up the aries ingress chart for your country. This is the chart for the moment that the Sun enters Aries, timed from the capital of your country. Now, look at the house placement of the ruler of the 2nd house, and identify the people and institutions associated with that house on a civic level. This will show you where most of the public funds are going. 9th - universities and higher learning. 4th - the common people. 2nd - banks and the stock exchange.

Here’s an example of this in action: in the Aries ingress chart for the United States in 2021: the ruler of the 2nd house was Mars, as ruler of Aries. Mars was in Gemini in the 4th house, indicating public funds going to the common people - there was a third stimulus check, federal tax breaks, rent freezes, and more instances of financial support at a federal level.

Clearly we’ve just scratched the surface. I am introducing you to a whole new approach to using astrology, and can only give you so much at once.

Thanks to this approach to astrology, I’ve stopped having to worry about money. My business and work have become matters of riding the waves of astrological energy as they ebb and flow in their own time. I can even chart what my career path and work will look like until I die. Best of all, this freedom has opened so much space for spiritual practice and development.

I’ve also shared some of these skills with coaching clients, and I’ve seen them use these techniques to transform their own business and generate stable, reliable abundance.

I’m currently setting up a new offering for entrepreneurs and business-owners who want to apply these skills to their own life. In a 1-hour session with me, I’ll turn my eyes to your natal chart and consider your current business aspirations and entrepreneurial bent in light of the skills I see in your chart.

We’ll also lean heavily into prediction - I will point out the most active periods for you in the near future when you can best capitalize on and profit from your work.

Finally, I’ll include one free election - something I normally charge $250 for - for anyone who signs up. If you have an important product launch, business meeting, ad campaign, or anything for your business upon which a lot hangs, then an election to ensure success is exactly what you need.

To sign up, follow the link below and use the discount code Thrive25 for a 25% discount on an hour long session with me.