Ancient Astrology

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Two Techniques for Becoming a Scarily Accurate, Psychic Astrologer

Many of my clients and students have tried to study astrology in the past, but have been unable to apply the teachings in real life.

I’ve heard the same story countless times: you’ve memorized the meanings of the planets. You’ve labored over the houses and their significations. You’ve studied the signs of the zodiac with reverence.

But when you actually sit down to read your chart….

…your mind goes blank. No intuitions arise. Nothing resonates or makes sense.

I have a simple solution to your problem: you need to connect with the energy and spirit that make astrology work in the first place.

If you’ve studied the meanings of the planets, signs, houses, etc., you have all the structures in place. You have the hardware for your computer all set up. Now you just have to plug it in.

I have dozens of techniques to plug into the energy of astrology and start making astrology work for you. In this article, I’ll share two with you that you can start using right now that I use in my own astrology practice to this day.

Once you incorporate them, you’ll be well on your way to start reading natal charts and predicting like a pro.

Tool 1: Enter into trance before reading the chart

We live most of our lives in the realm of thought and the discursive mind. Always we are thinking thinking thinking – planning, considering, having imaginary conversations with ourselves, and so on.

But that’s not where the magic is. The magic lives much deeper within us. In order to connect to the magic of the natal chart and start getting accurate in your chart-reading abilities, you have to disconnect from the realm of thought and perception, and reconnect to your heart and your magic.

You have to enter into a state of stillness, calm, and quietude so that you can actually hear the psychic messages that the chart is already trying to give you. You just have to open yourself up, and the insights will start pouring through.

Here’s how you do it. Before you even look at a natal chart, sit down in a chair and relax. Have your feet planted firmly on the ground, and your hands in a relaxed position on your lap. Keep your spine straight but relaxed. Place your tongue to the roof of your mouth, and breathe deeply.

Most importantly: keep your eyes open. We are connecting to our own magic, but we are connecting with our magic while staying connected to the world around us – listening to messages while we examine a natal chart

When you sit in this way for just 10 minutes, you will start to feel energy circulating through your body. You will feel tingling, buzzing, and lightness. This is your magical energy.

With practice, you will feel so much power accumulating around you. Your energy will naturally begin expanding outside your body. You may see lights and shadows dancing and swirling in front of your eyes.

Can’t you already feel how intuitive and psychic you would be if you read natal charts from this state? Don’t you think that your entire mindset would shift as you look at a natal chart?

This step is so indispensable that I always teach my students and apprentices a more elaborate version of this meditation at the very beginning of their astrological studies. You can’t skip it.

The next time you want to read a chart, try doing this exercise for 15-20 minutes before to settle the mind and attune to your magic. I guarantee that more insights and intuition will come through.  

Step 2: Contact the Spirits of Astrology 

A celestial order of Astrology-Gods exists in the astral realm. In fact, these lords and ladies of astrology first gifted us horoscopic astrology through the prophet Hermes Trismegistus.

So why not contact the very source of astrological wisdom before you even start reading a natal chart?

In my own professional astrology practice, I always explicitly call upon these beings before any reading that I ever give to other people. I would skip this step sometimes when I was first starting out, and the readings I gave clients would be…good enough, just because I have a lot of experience and practice with trance states and interpreting chart symbolism.

But when I would do this step, my chart readings became amazing. I shocked my clients by telling very specific things about their past that I shouldn’t have known. Tears flow from their eyes. They come back to me years later saying that whole multiple-year narratives I gave about their future all came to pass as I said they would.

It’s not just me giving these mind-blowing, accurate predictions– it’s me and all these celestials allies on the other side speaking to me. They’d be just as happy to speak with you too.

I’m sharing a version of the prayer that I used to say before every single natal chart reading I ever did. I would always say this prayer from a place a trance, connected to my magical energy. You should too. Feel free to change it as you see fit – it’s not about the specific words, it’s about the intention and emotion behind them.

“Divine Source, Gods and Goddesses of Astrology, and Hermes Trismegistus,

I pray for clarity, insight, and wisdom for this natal chart reading for ___ (person’s name).

Guide my eyes to see what they should see,

Guide my heart to what it should feel,

Open my mind to the knowledge and wisdom that ___ should receive right now.

I offer myself up as a vessel for the Divine Source to heal and transform ____’s life.

Thank you.”

Once you recite this prayer, you’re no longer examining the natal chart by yourself. Now it’s you and all the holders of this lineage looking at the chart together.

The next time you want to examine a natal chart with someone, say a prayer like this from a place of trance. You will be astounded at what comes through as you dialogue with your client about their chart.

I have a lot of tools, techniques, and tricks up my sleeve just like these to make chart-reading and client meetings a smooth, easy, and intuitive process that gives my clients long-term success and helps them flourish.

But even just incorporating these two techniques consistently will utterly transform your chart-reading practice forever.


P.S. I’m still running my business astrology promotion, and will be for one more week! If you are interested to see what practical assessments, advice, and timeline your chart (and the spirits of astrology) have to give you about your own business, you can sign up by clicking the link below! Use the code THRIVE25 to get 25% off a natal chart reading!