Astrological Talismans and their Functions

Astrological Talismans and their Functions

Allow me to introduce you to one of the oldest tools of magicians and witches: magical talismans.  

Throughout the entire history of magic, astrologers and sages have fashioned magical, astrological talismans by impressing esoteric, magically activated symbols and images impressed into special magical materials such as metals, gemstones, and fabric. When crafted at an astrologically precise moment, talismans will call down astral energies and spirits from the planets and stars above.

In turn, these energies and spirits will, in turn, empower the astral magician to live a life of empowerment, joy, and total flourishing for themselves and those around them - the ultimate goal of all magic.

Talismans give mages the opportunity to seek allies from the stars that can help them quickly and efficiently bolster and heal challenging parts of life. The practitioners of our craft have traditionally used talismans for good health, protection, abundance, creativity, love, and more.

Currently, Ancient Astrology offers magical talismans for Venus and Jupiter, the two purely benefic, compassionate planets of the astrological tradition. As more talismans are offered, this article will become updated.  



Venus is a benefic planet. This means that she provides good fortune, success, and happiness. Her energy and character are associated with things, people, and situations that people generally like and enjoy. meaning that she is inherently helpful and desires to provide us with things we naturally like and are drawn to.

Venus is classically aligned with the nighttime, as a member of the nocturnal sect. The nighttime has associations with materiality and the physical world. For this reason, Venus provides us with physical, material blessings: good health, lovers, close friends, and creature comforts.

Romance is one of the most common things that people pray to Venus for. In fact, people have petitioned Venus for romance and intimacy for literal thousands of years. Venus magnetizes lovers to you, and likewise makes you magnetic to other people. Venus often does this by playing off your strengths, and finding people who like you for who you are, instead of who you could be.

In a similar vein, people will also use Venus talismans for friendship. Venus magnetizes people to you who you will naturally like and find agreeable. If you are feeling lonely, or feel a lack of connection with friends and companions, Venus will find people to fulfill that need.

A less common concern, though not any less important, is health. As the provider of material blessings, Venus blesses your body too. Venus will nourish your physical form and ensure that your body is provided with the nutrients it needs. People who use Venus talismans for health oftentimes find sudden new information related to the specific needs of their body coming through. By adjusting their diet and lifestyle accordingly, the individual’s vitality improves dramatically.

As an aside, a quick survey of ancient magical texts will show you just how much experience Venus has working with ailments, as hundreds of designs and formulae exist for talismans that are designed to protect good health, ward off disease, or in some cases treat specific ailments like malaria or even cancer.

The final, commonest use for Venus talismans I will share is for artistry and creativity. Musicians, composers, sculptors, painters, and even bricklayers and carpenters will benefit from having a Venus talisman close-by. Venus rules over all aesthetics and beauty, in whatever medium beauty may be captured.

Venus speaks directly with the Muses. People who are suffering from any kind of writer’s block or creative dry spell will find that Venus talismans offer great support. They can unblock suck beauty from within the psyche and allow creative spirit to flow again.



Like Venus, Jupiter is a benefic planet in classical astrology, associated with good things and pleasant topics. Unlike Venus, however, Jupiter is the benefic planet associated with daytime and the diurnal sect instead of the nocturnal sect. The daytime carries connotations of the spiritual, mental life, abstract life, as opposed to the material life.

In a word, Jupiter provides for the needs of the spirit as opposed to the needs of the body. Astrologers and mages have called upon him for thousands of years to help with such topics as spiritual insight, wisdom, guidance for one’s path and purpose in life, access to spiritual teachers, as well as manifesting abundance.

The last of those options is the most common reason that people petition Jupiter – money magic. On the whole, the contemporary spiritual really hypes up the abundance and financial components of Jupiter’s spiritual blessings. And to be sure, Jupiter talismans will answer prayers for money, business,

However, these aspects to Jupiter are somewhat derivative of more foundational, and ultimately more rewarding blessings that this benefic planet will provide you. More than riches and a high number in the bank account, I would wager that people want to feel connected to their purpose and mission in life. People want to remember and connect with the reason that they came to the material world.

Jupiter will provide you with a connection to your purpose. Jupiter will connect you with people, resources, books, and traditions that help you to remember and wake up. Jupiter can give you spiritual practices that resonate with your path and mission, and help you to fill your destiny with wind in your sails and the breath of the divine under your feet.

Mages often prayed to Jupiter for teachers and guides. We practitioners of the craft are often in a bind: we constantly strive for more knowledge, more insight, more wisdom of the deepest, most arcane arts. But the very secretive, esoteric nature of our craft makes finding teachers and helpers along the path more challenging. Jupiter will open the doorways you need to find the texts and teachers that will help you to grow as a mage.

As you connect with your mission and purpose, rediscovering your spiritual gifts and talents, you will naturally be able to offer something back to the world, and lift others up as Jupiter has lifted you up. In return, you will receive the financial compensation you deserve for the ways in which you help others.

In a word, Jupiter will only make you rich by making you into the kind of person who deserves to be rich, wealthy, and abundant. And if you choose to petition Jupiter in this way, you will literally get the best of both worlds, able to have your cake and eat it too, even if you have to wait a little longer for those riches to arrive.

How to use talismans

The most common way people used talismans was by wearing them on their person, ideally touching their skin. That way, the spirit connects immediately with the mage’s energetic structure, and can begin helping them to manifest their intention.

Worn this way, talismans can last forever. The energy and spirit they contain will help the mage with their spellcasting for as long as needed. So long as the magician keeps giving offerings of oil and incense at least once a year, the talisman’s essence will still be there to serve.

Talismans can also be placed under one’s pillows while sleeping, or in one’s school while walking, depending on the nature of your intention. Talismans for good health can be used to charge drinking water by being placed in a glass. Some recipes even claim that specific diseases and ailments can be healed this way if used consistently.

Clearly, don’t put any lead or mercury talismans in your drinking water. Copper, brass, bronze, and iron are fine in small quantities. Silver, gold, and tin should be used sparingly.

However, talismans can also be used in a one-off manner to accomplish a more powerful but temporary effect. Talismans were often buried at places of business to bring success and good fortune, or on the doorstep to bring protection and peace to the home. A talisman placed at a courthouse could help you win a trial and influence the jury in your favor.

Realistically, the uses of a talisman are only limited to the magician’s creativity. Any places where planetary energy may be useful, the talisman will work its literal magic. That’s why magicians have used talismans for over five thousand years: they’re easy to make if you have the tools, they work for almost every conceivable purpose, and they last forever. You literally can’t go wrong.

Ancient Astrology offers affordable magical talismans in a traditional style. Decorated with divine names, epithets, and sigils from the western esoteric tradition, our talismans will help you to flourish in your life and augment your own spellwork.