New Moon in Scorpio 2023

We are about to experience a new lunar cycle: on November 13th at 4:27 am eastern time. The Moon will be born anew in the fires of the Sun within the fixed water sign of Scorpio.

New moons indicate new beginnings in astrology. As the moon courses through the twelve signs of the zodiac, she becomes full of energies and spirits which pass through her and down to the earth to effect change on the world. She spends the entire month collecting the light of the other planets and stars and transmitting them to earth, and now she is full and ready for rebirth.

When the Moon is reborn, so are we. Old patterns and alignments become cleared and new ones are ready to take their place. Magically speaking, the obscured moon can be likened to a fallow field – an empty bed rife with possibility and potential. As such, they make excellent opportunities to set new intentions and plant new seeds in the fertile soil of your own subconscious. 

Each new moon features unique alignments that make it unique. This time, the astral configurations in the sky carry a great deal of heaviness and will pull you into uncomfortable emotional processes as the Moon is reborn in her astrological fall in Scorpio. But within those depths you will also find a dynamic fire of transformation and transmutation awaiting you.

Traditional astrologers associate Scorpio with death, loss, endings, and the inevitable plummet of the world into the darkness of wintertime. Mars becomes activated during Scorpio season - the lord of pain, strife, hunger, and war. But this is not a period of overt struggles and conflict as we see in Aries, his other place of rulership. This is his yin, watery home. Here we see the God of war take up a defensive position, preparing for the long winter.

Scorpio is arguably the most difficult placement for the Moon, as the Moon is in her fall in this sign. The priorities of the Moon and the priorities of Scorpio just don’t mesh. The Moon rules comfort, support, ease, good fortune, maternal instinct, emotional safety, etc. Scorpio rules pain, loss, and the wisdom that comes from confronting difficult experiences and emotions. When the Moon occupies Scorpio, the universe calls you to release comfort, safety, and familiarity. We are denied the physical and emotional support we want, or have it briefly only for it to be taken away. We are stripped of comfort and made to face the darkness of the world with nothing but the light of our spirits.

When the new Moon occurs in Scorpio, we have the opportunity to set new intentions and begin developing new patterns that encourage emotional depth and exploration. You will find events consistently arising that trigger you and raise your levels of fear and anxiety. Buried memories will surface. You will feel at times that some of your worst fears could come true - perhaps you are already hedging yourself and preparing yourself for this possibility in a very martial, tactical way.

Such compulsory emotional alchemy as only a Scorpio New Moon can bring is a huge gift: your fears and shadows will reveal themselves more, and you will have the opportunity to confront them in a grounded way. Sometimes it is the only way that we can muster the courage and bravery to face things that are painful and uncomfortable. It is the only way we can relieve ourselves of the pains and wounds that we carry.

Magically speaking, this new moon is an excellent time to set intentions to face your fears head-on. This is a time to begin habits of confronting and dealing with difficult situations and difficult emotions head-on, instead of hiding from them or glossing over them in your day-to-day life. This new moon is also an excellent time to unlock buried-away magical fuel and power. Traumas and triggers lock our magical power reserves away from us. By facing them head-on, you can relieve yourself of physical, emotional, and mental tension and allow that power to flow freely.

Whatever comes up for you, channel the power of Mars to confront and face it. Mars will give you the bravery and courage to face your shadows, and you will be better off for it. Indeed, Scorpio is a sign of bravery, of plumbing the depths of fear and staying with sensation no matter how painful. Be patient with yourself and whatever arises. You are always safe, and you can use what comes up to become more integrated and even more magically powerful.

This new moon happens in exact conjunction with Mars . This a mixed bag. Mars is a difficult planet associated with pain, war, discord, and strife. When Mars becomes closely aligned with the New Moon, tensions run high, and testy situations in our lives can become very volatile. Sometimes sudden crises can erupt in our lives that we have to manage.

However, Mars is also essentially dignified in the sign of Scorpio, so we’ll be more likely to experience some of his positive significations on top of the challenging ones. Mars make youbold and brave - giving you the drive you need to face your own fears and shadows. You can confront the obstacles thrown at you head-on. Despite the challenges that may get stirred up duringthis time, you will ultimately be held and supported during this period, even if it doesn’t always feel like it.

You can’t just get your ancestors to do whatever you want by waving a wand around, nor should you try. Instead, go for some divination to try and get in touch with their guidance for your life. See what they suggest, with their ever-vaster perspective than our own. Based on their input, work with them to manifest what is in the truest alignment with your purpose.

The gemstone peridot (aka chrysolite) is an excellent ally for this period. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, tonifies the liver and nourishes the blood, helping you connect to your inner fire and courage to do your inner work. It is also a specific for facing unhealed trauma. Green Calcite is a specific for people with strong attachments and addictions who want to work on letting things go. You can tape either of these to your heart, or wear them as a necklace or amulet. You can also meditate with them under your tongue (just don’t swallow them!)

This is your moment - this is your time to shine in the dark for all of us. Take all the tools that you have gathered up until now to awaken the light of your starry spirit and release the shackles of fear, guilt, and past traumas that keep you from using your gifts in the world.