Legacy of Light - Sun in Leo 2023

The throes of ecstatic summer continue to play out in the heavens - the vibrant energy of the Sun moving through Cancer, bathing us in rays of sunlight unadulterated by the beams of other planetary influences. Led by the Queen of the sky, the regal, august Sun illuminates not only the celestial spheres above, but also our terrestrial circumstances and inner spheres below.

But as the Sun has continued to fall from its zodiacal zenith at the summer solstice, the days have slowly been diminishing in length. Daylight is shortening, nighttime is getting longer. Though we are at the hottest, brightest time of the year, the amount of daylight is slowly waning and diminishing in the background.

It's happening imperceptibly at first, but by the time the Sun enters Leo on July 23rd, the increasing distance of the Sun from the place of the Summer solstice will create a marked shift in the mood and feeling tone of the season. All the warmth and joy of Summer will be there, but a lingering feeling that Summer won’t last forever will begin to return.

During Leo season, the length of day far exceeds the length of the night, but this hegemony of the light is waning. We’re still in the middle of summer, and the warmth and light aren’t going anywhere soon, but our psyches are beginning to feel the first intimations that maybe - just maybe - they won’t last forever. This isn’t a permanent status quo.

On an agricultural and communal level, the movement of the Sun from Cancer into Leo heralds the first full harvest. Food and warmth have been abundant the past few months, but at this point the plants give their first parting gifts as the flowers fade and are replaced by the seeds and fruits of the harvest. The initial harvest that prepares us for the cold months is no longer a theoretical notion - now it’s here. We watch our plant friends wave goodbye for the first time after eagerly anticipating their arrival for months. Through their departure, they forewarn us that the circumstances of summer aren’t here forever - enjoy it while it lasts.

But this slow, background intimation that the summer won’t last forever doesn’t dampen the mood of Leo. On the contrary - the spirit of Leo understand that the light, warmth, and joy of summer isn’t a permanent given helps us to enjoy it all the more - the possibility of an absence of summer helps Leo to appreciate it while it’s still here. In the same way that death gives meaning to life, the waning light and slow darkening of the days during Leo season helps us to appreciate what we have.

For this reason, people born with a great deal of Leonine energy in their chart are powerhouses. They are full of joy, happiness, and confidence. They see light wherever they go and like to spread that light, mirth, warmth, and summertime happiness to all those around them.

Naturally enough, the Sun rules Leo. The Sun - who fights the darkness on our behalf every evening and is reborn every morning - typifies the monarch during the golden age of his kingdom. He knows his kingdom won’t last forever, that eventually the marble edifices and facades built during the zenith of the nation will fade and crumble. But in the meantime, he does what he can to battle the encroaching darkness for his subjects who are still alive. In the same way, the Sun gives of itself unceasingly just as Leo gives of itself unceasingly, offering its fruits of the first harvest while it prepares us for the inevitable impermanence of the safe womb of summer.

All the strongest Leonine people I know exhibit this kind of “pre-nostalgia:” knowing that the good times won’t last forever, that the party will eventually be over, they want to make the most of it. They encourage other people to make the most of it. They put on a theatrical spectacle to revel in the good times while they last, and help others to appreciate the light as well.

It’s also from this fact that we arrive at Leo’s generosity, an equally important component to their disposition as their theatricality and spontaneity. Just as this king gives of himself unceasingly during the twilight of his kingdom’s golden age, Leonine people give of themselves unceasingly to welcome other people into the warmth and joy of the world while they still can.

On a practical level, Leo season is a good season to celebrate your wins, express gratitude, and express gratitude publically by living with joy and sharing that joy with those around you. Cheer yourself and others on for the work that you have accomplished. Commemorate your successes and the successes of others by having fun and sucking the marrow out of life.

If you can work less and prioritize work less during this period, then do so. Even if you have to be in the office X amount of hours, change your mindset. Be laidback. You will notice that coworkers and employers are all unconsciously less able to prioritize and emphasize their work - in part because they tacitly recognize that summer is starting to end, and their attention will be elsewhere as they prioritize being outside and with their families, enjoying what warmth and light they can before it goes away until next year.

On an internal level, Leo season teaches us to how to truly appreciate and enjoy the goods that we’ve already worked to hard to achieve. The work of Leo season involves play - very seriously play. Take a step back and see how much you’ve done so far. Forget about trying to getr somewhere and just love where you are. Try pushing yourself out of your comfort by being silly in public.

During his journey through Leo, the Sun forms no aspects to either of the malefics. This will bring more smoothness to this period in general. However, we will have to deal with the fallout of a Mars-Saturn opposition that perfected just before the Sun entered into Leo. The tension and random, all-over-the-place struggles and obstacles you felt this past week and a half or so will begin to subside -they’ve already hit their peak.

The Sun will enter Leo around the time that Venus goes retrograde. He will then conjoin a retrograde Venus later in the season. This can create interpersonal misunderstandings and trouble with relationships. There won't be any huge blow-out arguments, but some of the natural Venusian pleasantness for interpersonal interactions is just not there.

The only aspect the Sun forms during this period besides Venus is a square to Jupiter in Taurus. This is mostly a positive aspect, though the rewards will come with some work given the hard nature of the square. This can be a good time for spiritual growth and development, and receiving wisdom and insight from spiritual teachers. This can also point to financial success and good fortune - especially if you lean into the fun-loving, in-the-moment qualities of the Sun in Leo.

Peridot - also the folk birthstone of people born during August - is a good gemstone to work with during this period. It promotes good fortune, playfulness, and a carefree attitude that doesn't take itself too seriously. This kind of approach to life is especially important now, and crucial for us to cultivate in general in our heavy, overly saturnine, dour civilization.

Do somewhere weird and unexpected that makes people laugh and have fun. Dance in a foundation you’re not supposed to swim in. Recite long passages of erudite, soulful poetry when people least expect it. Be unpredictable. Love life, the light, and the bliss of summer. Allow its transience to make you love it even more.